In this scenario, you are setting up a gradebook with categories but no weighting. It provides a straightforward calculation of total points earned in the course. However, the addition of categories allows you to use the Group by Category option to organize the visual layout of your Gradebook items. In addition, you have the option to drop grades within categories if desired.
Additional options display once you select categories only.
If you would like to be able to drop or keep a subset of scores within categories, check the box next to Drop highest, Drop lowest, and/or Keep highest.
Note: In order to drop items within a category, all items in that category must be worth the same point value. Additionally, there is the option to check the Equal Weight box. This will reconfigure all items in that category to be weighted on a points scale of 100.
Note: You may also assign items from other tools, such as Assignments or Tests & Quizzes, to specific categories when you create them.
Let’s say demostudent01 has earned the following points:
The Gradebook will automatically add up all of the scores and divide by the total points possible.
If no grades are dropped, then the grade calculation is (89+94+78+82+83+88+95+91+90+95)/1000 points. The student's overall grade average = 88.5%.
If the lowest 1 score is dropped in the Homework category, and the highest two scores are kept in the Projects category, the grade calculation would be (89+94+82+95+91+90+95)/700 points. The student's overall grade average = 90.86%.
If you try this example and don’t get the same results, you might want to go back and make sure that: